Please note: the five walking guides are no longer available via this website.
Instead, the books may be obtained from the Cheltenham Outlier website.
Countryside-Matters is a small independent publisher based in Gloucestershire near the historic town of Tewkesbury. We publish descriptions of long walks having strong local connotations and a depth of feeling for the old footpath ways through the countryside. Currently five guide books are available describing over 300 miles of walking through Gloucestershire, and parts of Monmouthshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
Footpaths are as old as man. Wherever people have gone on foot a trail appeared. Our present footpath network contains tracks that go back to prehistoric times, and others from every period in history.
"Always get over a stile is the one rule that should ever
be borne in mind by those who wish to see the land as it really is - that is to
say, never omit to explore a footpath, for never was there a footpath yet which
did not pass something of interest." ~ Richard jefferies Nature near London
"If you close your eyes and imagine an English landscape, you will probably picture
a tranquill downland scene. It is the landscape of Elgar and Vaughan Williams" ~ Devid Beskine